Our Human Resources

How Are Our Reeliable Human Resources Developing?

Our principles below reflect our human resources culture and principles. These are;


Equality Principle

We combine the requirements of the job with the skills and competencies of our employees. We select our employees by giving equal opportunities to each individual.


Diversity and inclusion principle

We believe that every thought and every perspective enriches our company culture. As a continuation of our traditional culture, we do not discriminate based on race, language, religion, color, gender, political thought or philosophical belief when choosing our employees.


Transparency Policy

We carry out a transparent communication that cares about clear and accurate information. We also deal with the issue of our goals with transparency, and by reducing our corporate goals to individual goals, we ensure that our employees are clearly aware of the limits of their responsibilities.


Openness to Development Principle

We set corporate and personal goals for each of our employees. After creating the road maps it will need to achieve these goals, we support its development with training, seminars and other applications within the body of Aşin Academy. We contribute to the development of themselves, their work, their colleagues and the working environment.


Efficiency Principle

We believe that every thought and every perspective enriches our company culture. As a continuation of our traditional culture, we do not discriminate based on race, language, religion, color, gender, political thought or philosophical belief when choosing our employees.


Continuous improvement

We are always improving our working conditions and business methodology to keep up with change.

Aşin Academy

We value education

Our trainings, which can be attended by 200 people at a time, have a wide range from English training to technical seminars, from proper nutrition training to memory techniques. With the value we give to education, we conducted our training online without a break during the pandemic period. While we are happy with the positive feedback we received after the trainings we provided, we continue to work to improve and enrich our training program. Whatever we do is worth the education!

Our trainings, which can be attended by 200 people at a time, have a wide range from English training to technical seminars, from proper nutrition training to memory techniques. With the value we give to education, we conducted our training online without a break during the pandemic period. While we are happy with the positive feedback we received after the trainings we provided, we continue to work to improve and enrich our training program. Whatever we do is worth the education!


Career opportunities that are provided by Motor Aşin

We offer training opportunities to our teammates through online and face-to-face trainings at the Aşin Academy. We care about their cognitive development with courses and certificate programs.

With our human value approach, we provide department-by-department customized trainings to each of our employees, enabling them to specialize in their field and to contribute both to our organization and to themselves.

“With the awareness of lifelong education, we follow the developments of our employees with our customized trainings and programs, we attach importance to their academic and professional development.”